
Contact Us

We have convenient ways of getting a hold of a customer service representative. If you are having trouble utilizing our online service, you can call our support number at 800-478-1984 during the hours of 9am-5pm, everyday. If you need after hours help, feel free to send us an email at customer@420id.com. Another way you can reach us is via text message at 314-501-5227. We will have someone reach out to you and help you through your issues that you are having as soon as we can!

Call Us

(+1) 800 478 1984


(+1) 314 501 5227



If you are having trouble with our services, we will gladly help walk you through the process. The best way to get started is via our form submittal process. All we need for you to do is fill out our basic questionnaire and we will get you scheduled as soon as both you and our licensed physicians are ready! Scheduling a date and time for the 10-15 minute evaluation is quick and easy. If you have questions about any of the qualifying conditions, or if you are unsure about whether or not your condition is covered, please call and speak with someone from our support team at 800-478-1984. We understand that some conditions are special circumstances that may be unique or out of the normal scope of the list we have provided. We are here to help! We know how stressful this process can be for many of you. It is our mission to serve you and all of our patients so that you can sleep easy at night knowing that we are taking care of the steps needed to acquire your medical marijuana ID.